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SAFETY FIRST! Check Out ConnectSmart’s Houston-only Safety Features

In addition to reducing traffic and improving your daily travel around town, ConnectSmart is committed to making our roads safer. Our latest app update delivers important safety alerts for your upcoming trip before you even get behind the wheel. You can learn more about that and the many other Houston-area safety features that you can ONLY get with ConnectSmart below.

Even Smarter Pre-Trip Safety Alerts

ConnectSmart’s mission is to make getting around the Greater Houston Area easier for YOU, and this feature is tailored to keep you safe and on schedule. As ConnectSmart learns your routine, it will send you notifications for accidents, construction, and flooding impacting your upcoming trip. You’ll receive these timely alerts for trips when you’ve scheduled them for later, synced your calendar with ConnectSmart, or even when we recognize a frequent trip of yours. The app will even update you if the incident is cleared before your trip begins.

School Zone Warnings

The next exclusive feature protects our kids from harm. ConnectSmart syncs with over 3000 School Zone signals in the Greater Houston area to warn you as you enter an active school zone and once again with an audio alert should you accidentally exceed the reduced speed limit.

No-Cost Emergency Roadside Service

If you’re in the unfortunate situation of having car trouble, you can request a Tow and Go(™) service right from the app and a tow truck will be dispatched to your exact location. Your vehicle will get towed to a nearby safe location at no cost to you! If you’ve got a flat tire, along with a good spare and jack, the tow truck driver will even change your tire for you — also at no cost.

View Roadside Cameras and Message Signs BEFORE You Go

You can see Transtar’s roadside messages and access live roadside cameras right from the ConnectSmart app. With a few taps, you can see roadway conditions along your upcoming route from the comfort of your home.

Cycle Safely Along Houston’s High Comfort Bike Lanes

Use our trip planner and select Cycling to take advantage of the region’s High comfort bike lanes. Choose to pedal along dedicated or protected bike lanes and low-traffic streets or along more traditional routes with less protection, and see how those decisions impact your overall travel time.


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